Saturday 6 January 2018

Friday, November 3rd, 2017

We all get to go through life but how we go through life, our outlook and attitude is up to us.  The person who begins their day with prayer, walks through their day by faith, will end their day with praise.  I have discovered that the hard things that we go through remind us to strengthen ourselves in the inner person so we might walk outwardly upright.  We are like a caterpillar who struggles to get past the problem in the cocoon to come out with the strength to fly as a butterfly.  The struggle to escape the cocoon was a gift from God to empower them to do well at the next level.  Proverbs 24:5 "The wise prevail through great power, and those who have knowledge muster their strength."  The knowledge that we are moving forward, advancing to the next level, and going beyond where we've been causes us to muster, stir, and be provoked for our victory is just ahead.  My confidence in you is high so press on, your gaining ground and receiving your wings to fly higher than ever before.
Wait for it.....its Family SundayWe start at 10:15 with food and fellowship followed by the morning service.  We have a special guest, Pastor Bruce Morrison and his wife Marlene.  Pastor Bruce was my Pastor in the New Glasgow Fellowship Church before we moved here to Sydney in 1990.  He was the main influence both here are around the Maritimes to raise support to help our fellowship church receive a rebirth.  He is still the senior Pastor in New Glasgow and has a strong vision to help churches find success.  In 2001 at 9/11 in New York City he rushed to ground zero to work as a chaplain to comfort those who were hurting after the terrorist attack.  He delivers the Word of the Lord with a strong conviction to see the Word become life and the power change your world.
Don't forget to fill your shoe box and bring them back to church.  Thank you all for allowing the Lord to use you and as we work together may we advance His Kingdom in our church and divinely touch our community.   
Continue to pray for all those in need, looking forward to seeing you soon, lots of love Pastor Kevin and Alice

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