Saturday 8 September 2012

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Praise the Lord for another wonder-filled day.  I thought if you were a bird and decided to fly backwards, then you’d see everywhere you’ve been.  By going backwards your future would be a repeat of your past and where you were is where you’re going.  Only by looking ahead do we see on the horizon the great things that are to come.  In Philippians 3:12 Paul writes, Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.”  Paul knew that in spite of the victories and trials of the past, the future would reveal the seasons and reasons for which he was called.  The Church is a divine group of called out ones who are workers together in this hour to see the Kingdom of God revealed.  Our future is spread out before us and we must press into it together.
This Sunday morning I’ll be sharing on, “Remember The Leftovers.”  Often it is the remembering of past victories that enable us to defeat present problems.  If we forget where we’ve been we may lose track of where we’re going.  The devils job is to make us view a present storm as overwhelming.  When Jesus came walking on the water He reveals to us that He can walk on top of what we think is trying to take us under.  Sunday evening Lord willing there will be a Water Baptism service at the Tobin’s pool.  We have several adults wanting to follow the Lord and obey the scriptures by being baptized.  We’ll start at 5 with a barbeque followed by the Baptism service at 6.  This Wednesday at 7 we startup our midweek Bible Study.  Yes the summer is over so plan to attend midweek and grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord.
Continue to pray for those in need and those that lead us in the ways of the Lord.  Hope to see you on Sunday, lots of love, Pastor Kevin and Alice.

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